
When to Get Tested for STDs – Signs, Symptoms, and Testing

As far as taking care of one’s well-being goes, going for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) testing is something that should be first on one’s list. One of the most commonly cited reasons why people are reluctant to go for an STD test is because it involves a trip to the clinic. Luckily, a test for STDs done in the house is for those in control of their sexual health discreet, easy, and private. 

Sexually transmitted diseases have a definition, and they are also referred to as STDs, which are infectious diseases of human beings that are mainly acquired through sex. These infections encompass bacteria, viruses, and parasites and can also affect females and males. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and human papillomavirus (HPV) are some of the generally prevalent STDs. 

There can be disturbing consequences of living with an STD, some of which include the risk of infertility and chronic illness as well as a higher probability of becoming infected with HIV. If reproducers are going to use their reproductive system for sexual purposes, they should be routinely checked for STDs. One convenient way to test for sexually transmitted diseases is through an STD test at home, allowing you to check your health privately and comfortably without visiting a clinic.

5 Signs & Symptoms to Get an STD Test At Home

Although, at times, some STDs can be asymptomatic, however the following are prevalent indications of infection.

  1. Unusual Discharge

Vaginal discharges are perhaps the most familiar symptoms of an STD, especially when they are yellowish, rancid, greenish, or anything abnormal in between. Discharges accompanied by the above colors or smells could be due to bacterial diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. In case of abnormal discharge, it’s advisable to have a test for sexually transmitted diseases to explain the discharge and get the treatment on time.

  1. Pain During Urination

Urination is an action that may be accompanied by burning pain where such trouble indicates an outbreak of a sexually infectious disease, as in the case of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or Trichomonas infections. Such conditions come with urethra infections; thus, every time one goes to relieve him or herself, it feels as if the urinary tract is hurt. Since this is a symptom, do not rule it out – do an STD home test to ascertain whether this is due to an infection.

  1. Genital Sores or Bumps

The presence of such lesions as sores or blisters as well as lumps on the genitals or in the mouth and the anal are at times identified with STDs such as syphilis, herpes, or HPV. Sometimes, STDs may result in the development of sores that do not hurt, while in different cases, they may be extremely uncomfortable and provoke itching. Whenever these areas appear to have swellings and lumps, see that you go for a test. 

  1. Itching or Irritation

Excessive itchiness or burning sensation in the intimate area is yet another possible sign of the disease above. In this case, candidiasis or other non-STD-related conditions can also be the cause of such signs, but more often than not, these are seen in cases of pubic lice, trichomoniasis, or genital warts. Should you find other means and the above last tidbit mentioned does not work, an STD test at home would be essential in determining the cause of the irritating impulse if it is caused by an infection of some kind, particularly a sexually transmitted one.

  1. Painful Intercourse

If you are experiencing deep-seated discomfort while having sex on occasion, this could be related to several causes, but more especially to chlamydia and gonorrhea, or pelvic inflammatory disease PID. Painful intercourse should never be dismissed, and this is often indicative of an infection or some other medical concern. An STD test at home can alleviate such fears by confirming the cause of shame and discomfort so that it does not become crippling.

Read also: What Are Blood Cleanup Services and How to Get Them?

When to Get Tested for STDs?

Here are five key times when you should get tested for STDs:

  1. After Unprotected Sex

In the event that you engaged in such sexual practices as having sexual intercourse without a condom, particularly with strangers or with someone whose sexual health record is unknown, it is recommended that you undergo an STD assessment. Even if such sexually transmitted diseases as HIV or chlamydia are overcome, you do not wait for symptoms such as you do now in this instance. 

  1. If You Have Multiple Partners

In case you have sexual relationships with more than one partner, getting routinely tested is necessary. Even while engaging in safe sex practices, the use of condoms does not eliminate the risk of STDs such as (but not limited to) herpes and HPV. It is possible to make an appointment for an STD test at home without the complexity of going to a clinic, thereby promoting sexual health for individuals and their prospective partners without any stress.

  1. Before Starting a New Relationship

It is prudent to undergo STD testing prior to engaging in sexual relations with a new partner. This way, both you and your partner know each other’s sexual health status and more accurate decisions can be made. One can also take an at-home STD test before entering into a new relationship, which is helpful as it eases tension and enhances safety for both parties involved.

  1. If You Experience Symptoms

You should not postpone treatment for symptoms such as sores, atypical discharge or burning, and pain with urination. These might be indicative of a treatable STD. The home STD test kit gives the added advantage of enabling you to determine common STDs and begin treatment before the disease advances or other people get infected.

  1. If You’ve Been Exposed to an Infected Partner

Should you find out that your partner has been diagnosed with an STD, you should make arrangements for a test as quickly as you can. Some STDs are asymptomatic for long periods, and you may not be exhibiting any symptoms at this moment. To make matters worse, a simple test taken in the privacy and comfort of your own home is all that is needed following risky behavior to check for STDs.

The Final Words

Examining oneself for sexually transmitted diseases is also an essential step in achieving one’s general well-being, and even more so with an STD test at home. There is nothing to worry about, nor is there any need to wait for a long time between tests, as every individual should test on a regular basis in order to promote good health. In cases when one postulates that one contracted STD or when some indicative symptoms are apparent, there is absolutely no point in hesitating before ordering STD tests at home.

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